
The U2 crisis, 1960

NOTE: this topic is a key topic on the AQA and Edexcel specifications.  It is NOT a stated topic on the OCR specification, but is relevant backgound knowledge.



After 1957, tension grew between Russia and America:

  1. Russia’s Sputnik satellite (1957) and space orbit (1961) gave them a psychological advantage.  Many Americans believed America was in danger.

  2. Oleg Troyanovsky, a Soviet diplomat and former collegue of Khrushchev, rememberd that that a turning point in Khrushchev's foreign policy came in 1958 when, after the West had snubbed his peace overtures for five years, he decided to force the Western powers to listen.   In 1958, he delivered an ultimatum, demanding that the US, Great Britain and France pull their forces out of West Berlin within six months.

  3. In 1959, the Communist Fidel Castro took power in Cuba, right next to America.  In 1960, he made a trade agreement with Russia.

  4. Communist China was very aggressive.  When Khrushchev visited America in 1959, the Chinese accused him of going soft; this made Khrushchev demand that America withdraw from West Berlin.


The Summit Meetings

As part of his policy of 'Peaceful Co-existence', Khrushchev was happy to meet with western leaders at 'summit' meetings to discuss issues of tension.  There were four such summits:

  1. Geneva (July 1955):

    The stated aim was to reduce international tenions.  Isssued discussed included trade, the nuclear arms race and the reunification of Germany.  Eisenhower proposed an 'open skies' policy that Russia and America would let spy planes fly over each other's countries, so that they could be assured the other wasn't preparing for war.  Khrushchev refused to agree to German reunification because the Americans would not agree to withdraw UN troops from Germany, and would not even talk about 'open skies'.

  2. Camp David (September 1959):

    Eisenhower nd Khrushchev discussed disarmaments.  Although there were no specific agreements, they issued a joint statement that: "these discussions have been useful in clarifying each other’s position on a number of subjects [which] will contribute to a better understanding of the motives and position of each, and thus to the achievement of a just and lasting peace.”  A visit was planned for Eisenhower to go to Russia.

  3. Paris (May 1960):

  4. The summit planned to discuss nuclear weapons and the situation in Berlin (Khrushchev wanted Berlin to be a ‘Free City’ with minimal military presence from other powers, and for the recognition of East Germany).   Read on for what happened (it was a disaster)...

  5. Vienna (1961):

  6. See here for what happened (it was another disaster).



Going Deeper


History Channel - clear, basic narrative

British Movietone News - can you spot all the attempts to deflect blame?



- Giles Hill on the U2 crisis



Did You Know?

Khrushchev loved to argue, which sometimes increased tension.  When American Vice-President Nixon visited Russia in 1959, he was taken round an exhibition at the US Trade Fair.  At the kitchen display, he and Khrushchev had a public argument - the so-called 'Kitchen Debate' - about who had the better kitchens: communism or capitalism!


What happened?

On 5 May 1960 – just 9 days before the summit – the Russians announced that on 1 May they had shot down an American U2 spy-plane.

The U2 planes flew so high that the Americans believed it was out of range of Soviet fighter plane or Surface-to-Air missiles.  Also, the U2 pilot, Gary Powers, had been given saxitoxin to kill himself if taken prisoner.  So at first, whilst they reported that a plane had been lost, they claimed that it was because the pilot had experienced oxygen difficulties. 

And when the Soviet Union announced that it had shot down a spy-plane, the Americans claimed that it was a weather-plane that had gone off-course. 

On 7 May, however, the Russians showed the pilot Gary Powers to the world, put him on trial for spying, and showed photos of the surveillance equipment from the plane AND photographs of Soviet military bases.  Khrushchev announced:

I must tell you a secret.  When I made my first report I deliberately did not say that the pilot was alive and well ...  and now just look how many silly things the Americans have said.

The Americans were forced to admit in Congress that it was an espionage mission.  The whole House stood and applauded in a gesture of unity ...  but internationally the US had been caught telling lies, and humiliated.



Source A

Wreckage of Powers's U2 plane on display at the Central Army Museum in Moscow.


Did You Know?

During the Cold War, the Americans rated their intelligence information according to to two standards: reliability (A-D) and accuracy (1-4).  Very rarely was their information A1(impeccably reliable and irrefutably accurate); it was usually C3 (usually reliable and possibly accurate). 

GCSE pupils asked to evaluate a piece of evidence might bear this system in mind!!!

The results were:

  1. Paris summit ruined; Cold War tension worsens

    The summit met at Paris on 14 May 1960.  Khrushchev condemned the “inadmissible, provocative actions” of the US and refused to take part in the talks unless Eisenhower apologised and cancelled all future spy-flights.
    Eisenhower, furious at this public attack, agreed only to 'suspend' the spy-flights, and would not apologise – so Khrushchev went home; the Paris Summit collapsed before it had even started.
    The planned visit by Eisenhower to Russia cancelled.

  2. Khrushchev and the Russians grew in confidence/ became more assertive.

  3. Americans blamed Eisenhower, whom they said was losing the Cold War.  After the U2 incident, America became more aggressive.  They elected John F Kennedy, who promised to be tougher on communism. 


Source B

Let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear and burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, for the survival and success of freedom.

Now the trumpet calls again .  .  .  against the enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war.  Ask not what your country can do for you: ask what you can do for your country.

Inaugural speech of President Kennedy, 1961.




When Eisenhower wrote his memoirs of his time as President 1956-1961, he gave them the title: Waging Peace.  Explain what this reveals about America's policies and conduct in the Cold War during these years


A Continuity Issue

Part Two of the AQA syllabus ('Development of the Cold War') ends at this point, and indeed it is suggested by some that the U2 incident marks the failure and end of Khrushchev's policy of peaceful co-existence.

Most people, however, believe that Khrushchev continued the policy until he was removed in 1964, so if you want to complete your study of Peaceful Co-existence (and its demise) you will need to look at the Berlin Crisis of 1961, and the Cuban Missiles Crisis of 1962, which form the first topics of part three of the AQA syllabus ('Transformation of the Cold War').


  • AQA-style Questions

      4.  ‘The main reason for the tension between East and West in Europe in the 1960s was the actions of the Soviet Union.’  How far do you agree with this statement?

